Meet the Speakers: Kate Kirkwood for TEDxWilmington
“Why you should worry about lead paint hazards in a NEW home”
TEDxWilmington Workshop // May 15, 2018
As a teacher I use TED talks – I assign them to college students, show them in technical courses, recommend them to friends and colleagues. I love the idea of taking a concept, turning it around, and setting it down to review in a different light. Seeing it from a different perspective.
I want to raise awareness about my work – childhood lead poisoning is a very real and growing problem in the country, but so few people know about it. I realize how much a TEDx talk could help this situation. Raise awareness, get the word out, help parents to see the importance of testing their kids and their homes.
But it sounds boring doesn’t it? Old paint? Who cares? I am in the process of spinning the idea around right now. Hoping that parents, and contractors, landlords and do-it-yourselfers will be intrigued by the title and wonder “should I worry about lead paint in my house – even if it’s not old?” YES! YES! You should! I am excited for the opportunity to share my reasons why. Nervous, excited, and so hopeful that people will not just listen, but take action as a result of this amazing opportunity to spread the word.