Kate Kirkwood holds several national and state lead certifications, she is an entrepreneur, is a former college business professor and has been a general business consultant for 30 years.
Her work as an expert in lead poisoning began after hearing about a child who died of lead poisoning in her home state of New Hampshire. She formed an educational company called LEAD-EDU through which she offers training and certifications, for contractors, landlords, real estate agents, investors and parents.
She is author of a children’s book “Skylar Learns About Lead Poisoning”, as well as “A Parent’s 5 Step Guide To Lead Poisoning”, which is the first in a series called “Lead Paint Clear and Simple”. Kate’s believe the solution to this problem is not complex regulations but rather simple information and caring citizens.
Kate is available through video and live presentations to help your audience understand how lead paint can affect them, their home, their work and their children. Her Tedx talk “Why We Should Worry About Lead Poisoning in a NEW Homes” is available on YouTube.
Kate is a mother of four children and lives in New Hampshire.