Trainer, Speaker, Entrepreneur
with a focus on Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning
Lead paint and dust poisons over 1 million children in the US. There are simple solutions we can take to prevent this crisis. Parents, Contractors, Landlords and Realtors are all at fault. In some cases, you can be fined up to $41,056 per day for lead paint violations..

Photo by
- Homeowners: Why You Should Worry About Lead Poisoning in a NEW Home
- Do-It-Yourselves: Children are poisoned every day by well meaning parents in home workshops or with do-it-yourself projects. Discover strategies on how to work lead safe so your kids are safe!
- Parents: A 5 step guide to unseen lead poisoning in your home and how to keep your kids safe
- Contractors: Learn which lead paint certification you need and why
- Landlords: How to keep your tenants safe and avoid lawsuits
- Realtors: How today’s lead paint regulations affect you…how to avoid fines up to $18,364 per violation for non-disclosure
- Investors: Why you should buy a property that has lead paint
- Increasing Capacity for HUD Lead and Healthy Homes Grantees: “How to increase the number of property owners in the pipeline for HUD grant programs, as well as the number of contractors available to bid on your jobs. Hear from former HUD Grant Program Manager, Intake Specialist and national trainer some tips to smoothly increase the partners in your pipeline and help to meet your benchmarks“
- Train the Trainer: “Tips and information for RRP and Abatement Trainers. Hear from a National and State Certified Trainer running a successful training business since 2009 how to keep the classes full, and stay in compliance“
- New and Emerging Sources of Lead Poisoning and Convincing Parents to Stop Using Leaded Products and Home Remedies
- Using Mass Media and Social Media to Reach At-Risk Populations
Audio Testimonial
Audio Testimonial
Audio Testimonial
Even though I am a Physician still I was not aware of that much lead poisoning in the united states. I have two children and we are living in a house that was built many years ago. So, Kate’s talk was very informative as a
As Kate was talking, I suddenly realized how many baby boomers have family homes, that they are temporary renting out. They have no idea of the lead issues that they may be facing. Wow!
Robin BurkWhen Kate talks about the lead, I had no idea that houses before 1978 would have lead in them. It made me recognize, I have to sort my